9303753286127016 What was the immediate cause for the revolt of 1857?

What was the immediate cause for the revolt of 1857?



What was the immediate cause for the revolt of ?

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Immediate causes for the revolt: The greased cartridges supplied for the new Enfield, Rifles was the immediate cause for the mutiny. The cartridges had to be bitten off before loading. Believing that the fat of cow and pig had been used to grease these cartridges, both Hindus and Muslims refused to use them as the cow is sacred to the Hindus and pig is detestable to the Muslims. 

Balkishan Agrawal

At the helm of GMS Learning is Principal Balkishan Agrawal, a dedicated and experienced educationist. Under his able guidance, our school has flourished academically and has achieved remarkable milestones in various fields. Principal Agrawal’s vision for the school is centered on providing a nurturing environment where every student can thrive, learn, and grow.

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