9303753286127016 Mastering addition and subtraction through 'Vedic math'

Mastering addition and subtraction through 'Vedic math'

To get started with Vedic math, let's learn and master the tricks of performing basic mathematical operations like addition and subtraction faster.
Mastering addition and subtraction through 'Vedic math'
Mastering addition and subtraction through 'Vedic math'

There are varied problems for a given topic in math and as you advance through the grades, you will understand that there are many ways to solve them, each leading to the same solution. While some ways may take long calculations to derive the answers, others could fetch the answer within seconds. One of the ways that make use of quick mental maths is Vedic maths.

The term 'Vedic' came from the Sanskrit word 'Veda', which means 'Knowledge'. Vedic Maths, an ancient method of solving mathematics problems, is a collection of techniques/sutras to solve maths questions in a fast and easy way.

Here are a few Vedic math tricks for addition and subtraction shared by Manan Khurma, Founder at Cuemath.


To perform addition in Vedic mathematics, you'll have to keep these steps in mind:

1. Find out the number which is closest to the 10s multiple as it is easier to add those numbers

  • 7, 8, 9 are close to 10

  • 21, 22, 23 are close to 20

  • 67, 68, 69 are close to 70

  • 97, 98, 99 are close to 100 ....... and so on

  • Add the numbers which are the multiples of 10s

  • Add/subtract the deficiency of numbers

Now, let's understand this with the help of an example:

  • Suppose we have to add 27 and 98. Vedic maths tells us to add 30 and 100 which is 130 and then subtract (3+2) i.e., the deficiency from 130. So, the result will be 125.

  • Similarly, if we have to add 66 and 576. Vedic maths tells us to add 70 and 580 which is 650 and then subtract (4+4) i.e., the deficiency from 650. So, the result will be 642.

2. There is yet another trick to doing addition using Vedic maths which states to add hundreds with hundreds, tens with tens and ones with ones, and so on.

For example, suppose we have the following question: 220 + 364 + 44 + 18 =?

Vedic maths tells us to break the numbers as per their place values. So, we will break the addition into:
- 200 + 300 = 500
- 20 + 60 +40 +10 = 130
- 4 + 4 +8 = 16

Repeat the process:
- 500 + 100 = 600
- 30 + 10 = 40
And in the units we have 6. Now perform, 600 + 40 + 6 = 646


For subtraction using Vedic maths, follow the steps given below:

1. If the subtrahend (the term used to denote the number being subtracted from another) is less than minuend (The number from which another number (the subtrahend) is to be subtracted.), we subtract the numbers directly

2. If any digit in minuend is less than the corresponding digit in subtrahend, the concept of complements is used

Let us have a look at a few examples to understand these techniques.

  • When subtrahend is less than minuend:

If we have to subtract 47 from 98, we can directly subtract the digits in subtrahend from the corresponding digits in minuend

98-47 = 51

  • When any digit in minuend is less than the corresponding digit in subtrahend:


In this case, for the places where the digit in subtrahend is greater, we use the complement symbol while subtracting as shown below

The complement of:-

  • While replacing the value of , we subtract 1 from the digit in the next place. Here, 1 will be subtracted from 6.

  • Therefore, 896 - 239 = 657

Balkishan Agrawal

At the helm of GMS Learning is Principal Balkishan Agrawal, a dedicated and experienced educationist. Under his able guidance, our school has flourished academically and has achieved remarkable milestones in various fields. Principal Agrawal’s vision for the school is centered on providing a nurturing environment where every student can thrive, learn, and grow.

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