9303753286127016 Tricks to find Cube Root: Vedic Maths

Tricks to find Cube Root: Vedic Maths


Tricks to find Cube Root: Vedic Maths

Learn shortcut methods and tricks to calculate cube root of any number with the help of Vedic Maths. These shortcuts will help you to solve simplification questions in any competitive exam.

Finding cube root in a quick manner can be very important for the fast Calculations in any competitive exam.

Let us see how to find the cube root of a number?

Cube Root

The cube root of a number is another number that, when multiplied three times, makes the first number.

Cube root example


Let us find the cube root of 39304 through a shortcut method involving four steps:


To find the unit place of the cube root always remember the following points:

•    If the last digit of a cube root is 8 then the unit digit will be 2.
•    If the last digit of a cube root is 2 then the unit digit will be 8.
•    If the last digit of a cube root is 3 then the unit digit will be 7.
•    If the last digit of a cube root is 7 then the unit digit will be 3.
•    If the last digit of a cube root is other than 2, 3, 7 and 8 then put the same number as the unit digit.

Therefore, the unit digit will be 4.


Now, strike off the last 3 digits of the given number.



Now, find the nearest cube of the first 2 digit from the left, i.e., 39.

The nearest cube is 27.


Now, 3 is the cube root of 27.

Therefore, the ten’s place digit will be 3.

So, the answer will be 34.



Let us now find the cube root of 238328 with the same method

•    The unit digit will be 2.

•    Now, strike off the last 3 digits of the given number.


•    Now, find the nearest cube of the first 3 digit from the left, i.e., 238.
    The nearest cube is 216.

•    Now, 6 is the cube root of 216.
    Therefore, the ten’s place digit will be 6.

•    So, the answer will be 62.

Balkishan Agrawal

At the helm of GMS Learning is Principal Balkishan Agrawal, a dedicated and experienced educationist. Under his able guidance, our school has flourished academically and has achieved remarkable milestones in various fields. Principal Agrawal’s vision for the school is centered on providing a nurturing environment where every student can thrive, learn, and grow.

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