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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Updated for 2022-23 Free Chapterwise PDF Download

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Updated for 2022-23 Free Chapterwise PDF Download

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science help students to clear any doubts instantly and in a more efficient way. These NCERT Solutions guide students to learn the important concepts which are included in the CBSE Class 9 Science syllabus. Students are required to solve the exercise questions included in the textbook to create a proper understanding of the topics.

While solving the textbook questions, doubts arise among students which later leads to confusion. The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 comes in handy at such times, as they include precise explanations and detailed answers to those questions. These CBSE Science NCERT Solutions for Class 9 cover solutions to all the important chapters included in the textbook-like Matter, Atom, Tissues, Living Organisms, Motion, Force, Laws of Motion, Gravitation, Energy and work, Sound, Natural Resources, etc.

Along with answers to the textbook questions, these solutions provide you extra questions, exemplar problems, the important questions from previous year question papers, sample papers, worksheets, MCQ’s, short answering questions, descriptive type questions, their solutions as well as tips and tricks.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter wise PDFs

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science are provided in a format for better accessibility to the students. These solutions serve as an important studying tool for students who are preparing for their board examinations and assignments.Chapter 15 Improvement in Food Resources

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Updated for 2022-23 Free Chapterwise PDF Download
NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions of Class 9 Science Book Chapter brief

For each chapter, we have explained concepts, solved NCERT Questions, Questions from inside the NCERT Book, Examples from NCERT Book, Extra Questions from GMS.


Let's look at the various chapters in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. And what we will study in them.

The chapters and list of topics are

  1. Chapter 1 Matter In Our Surroundings -
    In this chapter, we will learn what is matter, that matter is made up of different particles. The Characteristics of Different Particles - like the space between them, the particles are constantly moving, the particles attract each other. Different States of Matter - Solid, Liquid, Gas and their properties. Change of state of matter - by changing temperature, by changing pressure. And finally, what Evaporation is and different applications of evaporation
  2. Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure - 
    We learned about Matter in Chapter 1, but infact, almost every material we see is a mixture. We learn what a mixture is, Different types of mixtures - Homogeneous and Heterogeneous mixture. What is a solution, Properties of Solution, Concentration of a Solution - Mass Percentage, Mass by Volume Percentage, Volume by Volume Percentage, What is a colloidal solution, Properties of Colloid, What is Tyndall effect, Separating Different Components of Mixture like Obtaining Dye from Blue or Black Ink, Separating Cream from Milk, Separating two immisicible liquids, Separating a mixture of salt and camphor, Separating two miscible liquids, What is distillation, What is fractional distillation, How to obtain different components from air, How to obtain pure copper from impure substance, Difference between Physical and Chemical Changes, What are Elements and Compounds, Difference between Mixtures and Compounds

  3. Chapter 3 Atoms And Molecules - 
    What is Law of Conservation of Mass, Law of Constant Proportion, What are atoms, Size of atoms, Symbols of different Elements, What is Atomic Mass, Atomic mass of different molecules, What are molecules, Molecules of Elements, Molecules of Compounds, What is an ion, How do we write Chemical Formulae of compounds, Writing down formula of different compounds, What is molecular mass, What is formula Unit Mass, What is Mole Concept

  4. Chapter 4 Structure Of The Atom - 
    We learned about Atoms in the last chapter, but what makes atoms of one element different from atoms of another element? Let's learn about it. First, we will learn about charges in atoms - protons, neutrons, electrons. We will study the Structure of Atom - Thomson's Model of Atom, Rutherford's Model of Atom, Drawbacks of both these models. Then we study about Bohr's Model of Atom. What are Neutrons, How are electrons distributed in different shells, What is valency, Valency of different elements, What is Atomic Number and Mass Number, What are isotopes, What are isobars

  5. Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit Of Life - 
    Then, we move onto Biology. We study what are cells, What is a compound microscope, Who discovered cells, Different Parts of Cells, Cell Membrane - What is it made of, What is it used for, Diffusion through Cell Membrane, Cell Wall - What is it, Where is it present, Nucleus of a Cell - What is it, Nuclear Membrane, Chromosomes, DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid), Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes, What is Cytoplasm, Different Cell Organelles like Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER), Golgi Apparatus, Lysosomes, Mitochondira, Plastids, Vacuoles, How does Cell Division take place

  6. Chapter 6 Tissues - 
    What are tissues, What is the use tissues in organisms, What is the difference between Tissues of Plants and Animals, Plant tissues like Meristematic tissues, Simple Permanent Tissue, Complex Permanent Tissue, Different Animal Tissues like Epithelial Tissue, Connective Tissue, Muscular Tissue, Nervous Tissue and Uses of these tissues in Plants and Animals

  7. Chapter 7 Diversity In Living Organisms - 
    How do compare two different organisms, like an Indian Cow from an English cow?
    In this chapter we learn What classification is, What is the basis of Classification, What is evolution and How do we classify based on evolution, What is biodiversity, Then we study different Hierarchy of Classifications. Starting with Groups - Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia. We study more about Plantae - Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms. Then comes Animalia - Porifera, Coelenterata (Cnidaria), Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Protochordata, Vertebrata. Vertebrata are further classified as , Pisces, Amphibia, Aves, Mammalia. Then we study Nomenclature of Organisms
  8. Chapter 8 Motion - 
    This is the first chapter of Physics. We learn What is motion, Motion in a Straight Line, Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion - Meaning and Differences, Distance and Displacement, Speed and Velocity, What is average Speed, Average Velocity, What is acceleration, Acceleration in uniform and non-uniform motion, Negative Acceleration (Retardation), Representing motion in graphs - Distance-Time Graph and Velocity-Time Graph. Finding Velocity from a Distance Time Graph, Finding Acceleration and Velocity from a Velocity Time Graph, Graphs of Uniform and Non Uniform Motion, Equations of Motion and their derivations, Graphical Derivation of Equation of Motion, What is Uniform Circular Motion, Is velocity constant in Uniform Circular Motion. And solving Numericals based on these topics

  9. Chapter 9 Force And Laws Of Motion - 
    What is force, Why the push and pull definition of force is incorrect, What are Balanced and Unbalanced forces, What is Newton's First Law of Motion, What is intertia, What does inertia depend upon, Real life examples of Intertia like passenger on moving bus, removing dust particles from carpet by beating, etc. What is Momentum, What is the Second Law of Motion, Derivation of 2nd Law of Motion, Numerical Questions based on 2nd Law of Motion. What is 3rd Law of Motion, What is conservation of momentum, Derivation of Conservation of Momentum, Practical Examples and Numericals based on Conservation of Momentum, 

  10. Chapter 10 Gravitation - 
    What do we mean by Gravitation, What is universal law of gravitation, Formula  of Universal Law of Gravitation, What is G - Universal Gravitational Constant, What is the importance of Universal Law of Gravitation, What is free fall, What is gravity, How do we calculate Acceleration due to gravity (g), What is the difference between Gravitation and Gravity, What is the difference between Mass and Weight, What is the weight of an object on the moon, What do we mean by Thrust, What is pressure, Formula of Pressure, SI Unit of Pressure, What is the pressure applied by fluids, What do you mean by Buoyancy, How do we check if the object floats or sinks in water, What is Archimedes Principle, What is Density of a substance, What is Relative Density, What is the significance of relative density

  11. Chapter 11 Work And Energy - 
    We learn about what is work and what is energy in this Chapter. The topics include What is Work, What is work in Physics, What is the formula of Work, Positive, Negative and Zero Work Done, When can work done by 0, Work done in Uniform Circular Motion, What is energy, What are the different forms of energy. What is Kinetic Energy, Formula of Kinetic Energy, How is Kinetic Energy Formula derived, What is potential energy, What is potential energy of an object which is at some height, Transformation of Energy, Everyday appliances where Transformation of Energy is done, Conservation of Energy, What is Rate of Doing work (Power), Different Units of Power, Commercial unit of Energy

  12. Chapter 12 Sound - 
    In this chapter we will learn what sound it and different applications of it. The topics in this chapter are - What is sound, How do we produce sound, How does sound propagate, What do you mean by medium, What is a wave, What are Compressions and Rarefactions, What is a mechanical wave, Is Sound a mechanical wave, Does sound travel in vacuum, Experiment to prove that sound does not travel in vacuum, What are longitudinal and transverse waves, Different Characterstics of a Sound wave like Frequency, Amplitude, Speed, Pitch, What is intensity and loudness of a sound, How can we find which sound is of better quality, What is the speed of sound in different Media, How does Speed of Sound change with Temperature, What is Sonic Boom, Does sound reflect?, What is an echo, What are reverberations, Uses and Applications of Reflection of Sound, What is the range of hearing of humans, dogs, bats. What is infrasound and ultrasound, What are applications of ultrasound, How does SONAR work, Structure of Human ear and How do we hear

  13. Chapter 13 Why Do We Fall Ill - 
    What are diseases and illnesses, What do we mean by health, Health of Human Beings depend upon surroundings, How can we improve our surroundings to improve our health, What are 5 F's to be healthy, What is the difference in being healthy and being disease free, How can we identify if we're suffering from a disease, What are acute and chronic diseases, Effects of Diseases on us, What are the causes of disease, Infectious and Non Infectious Causes, Infectious Diseases - Different agents, how they are spread, Organ Specific and Tissue Specific Manifestations, Principles of Treatment, Principles of Prevention

  14. Chapter 14 Natural Resources - 
    We learn about Natural Resources and their role in our life in this chapter. Topics include What are natural resources, What is air, role of atmosphere in climate control, Winds, Rain, Air Pollution. Then, we move on to Water. Why is water so important for living organisms, Water pollution - effects, causes, preventive measures. Soil, Minerals in the soil, Soil Formation, Soil Erosion. Then we talk about Biogeochemical cycles like Water Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle, Carbon Cycle, Oxygen Cycle. Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Layer

  15. Chapter 15 Improvement In Food Resources - 
    We know that we have limited amount of land on earth and humans on the planet are growing at an exponential rate. So, inorder to provide them food, we should improve our Food Resources and make the process more efficient. This chapter is all about that.
    In this chapter we will study, How to Improve Crop Yield, Improvement in Crop Variety, Improvement in Crop Production, Improvement in Crop Protection and Management, Nutrient Management of Crops - studying about Manures and Fertilisers, Improving Irrigation, Crop Patterns, Improving Storage of Grains, Animal Husbandry like Cattle Farming, Poultry Farming , Egg and Broiler Production, Fish Production, Marine Fisheries, Inland Fisheries, Bee Keeping


Note: When you click a chapter. You will get links like Concepts, NCERT Solutions, Additional Exercises, Examples, Extra Questions. After clicking a link, go to the bottom of the page. There we have a list which has all the questions of NCERT (Solved) and all the concepts of the chapters.


Why should you use GMS?

GMS provides the best materiel to learn Maths and Science. It has the best solutions available. Solved by IIT Alumnis.

Each question is solved by hand by our experts. And the content is made specially for your better understanding

We also provide Extra questions for you to practice and revise.

The concept notes has Images, Flowcharts, and Explanation of every topic in detail.

Check out a chapter link below and you will understand what I am talking out

To download the complete book in PDF format, visit NCERT Science Book Class 9. For more practice tests and mock tests visit GMS. Apart from Science, get NCERT Solutions for all the subjects. Students can download worksheets, assignments, NCERT Books, notes and study materials for exam preparation and for a better understanding of the topics.

CBSE Class 9 Science Evaluation Scheme (Theory) –

UnitsTerm – IMarks
IMatter-Its Nature and Behaviour: Chapter – 209
IIOrganization in the Living World: Chapter 5 and 618
IIIMotion, Force and Work – Chapter 8 and 913
UnitsTerm – IIMarks
IMatter: Its Nature and Behaviour: Chapter 3 and 418
IIOrganization in the Living World: Chapter 1308
IIIMotion, Force and Work: 10 and 1114
Total Theory (Term I + II)80
Internal Assessment: Term I10
Internal Assessment: Term II10
Grand Total100

Features of NCERT 9th Class Science Book Solutions

The book has a wide variety of features which are listed below:

  • CBSE Class 9 Science NCERT Solutions are available to everyone for free.
  • Covers all the exercise problems from the Class 9 textbook.
  • Consists of extra questions, exemplar problems, the important questions from previous year question papers and sample papers, worksheets, MCQ’s, short answering questions, descriptive type questions, their solutions and tips and tricks.
  • CBSE Class 9 Science Solutions files are available for download in PDF format for easy access.
  • Diagrams are included to help students visualize the topics.
  • Most effective solutions are given which can help to score well in the exams.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science

How many chapters are there in the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science?

About 15 chapters are present in the Class 9 Science of NCERT Solutions. Students in Class 9 can refer to the solutions framed by the faculty at GMS for a better understanding of the concepts. Class 9 is a very important step as the fundamental concepts help them to score well in the higher classes. NCERT Class 9 Science activity Solutions are also present to help students understand the applications of concepts in our daily lives.

Can I expect the questions from NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science to be asked in the annual exam?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science contains all the questions present in the prescribed textbook. Most of the questions in the annual exam can be expected from the NCERT Solutions. So the students are advised to solve the questions present in the textbook thoroughly for their exam preparation. The solutions at GMS contain step wise explanations to help students ace the exam with much confidence. Understanding the method of answering questions will help them face the complex questions without any difficulty.

Is the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science sufficient for the exam preparation?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science is framed by the faculty at GMS by keeping in mind the understanding abilities of students. The solutions are accurate and detailed to help students understand the complex topics easily. Shortcut techniques and tricks are also highlighted to make learning fun for the students. To get an overall idea about the concepts, students are recommended to understand the syllabus thoroughly before starting their exam preparation. The solutions not only help students with their annual exam preparation but also for various competitive exams both at state and national level.

Why should students refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science are available for free download at GMS. All the exercise questions from Class 9 textbook are answered by the expert faculty having vast experience in the respective subject. The solutions can be accessed by the students while solving the textbook questions to understand the concepts effectively. The elaborate and detailed solutions with pictorial representation improves logical and analytical thinking abilities among students.
Balkishan Agrawal

At the helm of GMS Learning is Principal Balkishan Agrawal, a dedicated and experienced educationist. Under his able guidance, our school has flourished academically and has achieved remarkable milestones in various fields. Principal Agrawal’s vision for the school is centered on providing a nurturing environment where every student can thrive, learn, and grow.

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