
Explain the advancement in space research in Independent India.

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Space Research in India:
1) Independent India conducted various space explorations and experiments. In 1962, Nehru, with the technical advice of Vikram Sarabhai, formed the Indian National Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR) . Following this, in 1969, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) was established to lead space research.
2) The first rocket-launching station in India was established in Thumba, near Thiruvananthapuram. As a result of the collective efforts of India's space research experts, first satellite Aryabhatta was successfully launched in 1975. In addition to satellites, space vehicles and rocket launchers were also developed. It was because of the far sightedness of Jawaharlal Nehru that India became the first developing nation to make and launch satellites.
3) There are several agencies that develop satellites in India now, They are:
1) National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA)
2) Physical Research Laboratory (PRL)
India has also advanced much in missile technology. Agni and Prithwi are the missiles developed by India.
4) Dr. Raja Ramanna and With the new space missions such as Chandrayan and Mangalyan, India has entered a new era in space exploration. Chandrayan which began in 2008 is India's first lunar mission. With this, India became a member in the coveted group to launch space shuttle to the lunar orbit after America, Russia, European Space Agency, China and Japan. Mangalyan the space mission of India to Mars is the Indian-made space shuttle that covered the longest distance in space. India is all set to take on new experiments in space.
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